Classification of penguin species

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using AlgebraOfGraphics
using CairoMakie
using CalibrationErrors
using DataFrames
using Distributions
using MLJ
using MLJNaiveBayesInterface
using PalmerPenguins

using Random

# Plotting settings
CairoMakie.activate!(; type="svg")


In this example we study the calibration of different models that classify three penguin species based on measurements of their bill and flipper lengths.

We use the Palmer penguins dataset to to train and validate the models.

penguins = dropmissing(DataFrame(PalmerPenguins.load()))

penguins_mapping =
    data(penguins) * mapping(
        :bill_length_mm => "bill length (mm)", :flipper_length_mm => "flipper length (mm)"
draw(penguins_mapping * mapping(; color=:species) * visual(; alpha=0.7))

We split the data randomly into a training and validation dataset. The training dataset contains around 60% of the samples.

n = nrow(penguins)
k = floor(Int, 0.7 * n)
penguins.train = shuffle!(vcat(trues(k), falses(n - k)))

# Plot the training and validation data
dataset = :train => renamer(true => "training", false => "validation") => "Dataset"
plt = penguins_mapping * mapping(; color=:species, col=dataset) * visual(; alpha=0.7)
draw(plt; axis=(height=300,))

Fitting normal distributions

For each species, we fit independent normal distributions to the observations of the bill and flipper length in the training data, using maximum likelihood estimation.

y, X = unpack(
    x -> x === :bill_length_mm || x === :flipper_length_mm;
    :species => Multiclass,
    :bill_length_mm => MLJ.Continuous,
    :flipper_length_mm => MLJ.Continuous,
model = fit!(machine(GaussianNBClassifier(), X, y); rows=penguins.train);
[ Info: Training machine(GaussianNBClassifier(), …).

We plot the estimated normal distributions.

# plot datasets
fg = draw(plt; axis=(height=300,))

# plot Gaussian distributions
xgrid = range(extrema(penguins.bill_length_mm)...; length=100)
ygrid = range(extrema(penguins.flipper_length_mm)...; length=100)
let f = (x, y, dist) -> pdf(dist, [x, y])
    for (class, color) in zip(classes(y), Makie.wong_colors())
        pdfs = f.(xgrid, ygrid', Ref(model.fitresult.gaussians[class]))
        contour!(fg.figure[1, 1], xgrid, ygrid, pdfs; color=color)
        contour!(fg.figure[1, 2], xgrid, ygrid, pdfs; color=color)


Naive Bayes classifier

Let us assume that the bill and flipper length are conditionally independent given the penguin species. Then Bayes' theorem implies that

\[\begin{aligned} \mathbb{P}(\mathrm{species} \,|\, \mathrm{bill}, \mathrm{flipper}) &= \frac{\mathbb{P}(\mathrm{species}) \mathbb{P}(\mathrm{bill}, \mathrm{flipper} \,|\, \mathrm{species})}{\mathbb{P}(\mathrm{bill}, \mathrm{flipper})} \\ &= \frac{\mathbb{P}(\mathrm{species}) \mathbb{P}(\mathrm{bill} \,|\, \mathrm{species}) \mathbb{P}(\mathrm{flipper} \,|\, \mathrm{species})}{\mathbb{P}(\mathrm{bill}, \mathrm{flipper})}. \end{aligned}\]

This predictive model is known as naive Bayes classifier.

In the section above, we estimated $\mathbb{P}(\mathrm{species})$, $\mathbb{P}(\mathrm{bill} \,|\, \mathrm{species})$, and $\mathbb{P}(\mathrm{flipper} \,|\, \mathrm{species})$ for each penguin species from the training data. For the conditional distributions we used a Gaussian approximation.

predictions = MLJ.predict(model)
train_predict = predictions[penguins.train]
val_predict = predictions[.!penguins.train]

# Plot datasets
fg = draw(plt; axis=(height=300,))

# Plot predictions
predictions_grid = reshape(
    MLJ.predict(model, reduce(hcat, vcat.(xgrid, ygrid'))'), length(xgrid), length(ygrid)
for (class, color) in zip(classes(y), Makie.wong_colors())
    p = pdf.(predictions_grid, class)
    contour!(fg.figure[1, 1], xgrid, ygrid, p; color=color)
    contour!(fg.figure[1, 2], xgrid, ygrid, p; color=color)



We evaluate the probabilistic predictions of the naive Bayes classifier that we just trained.


We compute the average log-likelihood of the validation data. It is equivalent to the negative cross-entropy.

val_y = y[.!penguins.train]
-mean(cross_entropy(val_predict, val_y))

Brier score

The average log-likelihood is also equivalent to the logarithmic score. The Brier score is another strictly proper scoring rule that can be used for evaluating probabilistic predictions.

mean(brier_score(val_predict, val_y))

Expected calibration error

As all proper scoring rules, the logarithmic and the Brier score can be decomposed in three terms that quantify the sharpness and calibration of the predictive model and the irreducible uncertainty of the targets that is inherent to the prediction problem. The calibration term in this decomposition is the expected calibration error (ECE)

\[\mathbb{E} d\big(P_X, \mathrm{law}(Y \,|\, P_X)\big)\]

with respect to the score divergence $d$.

Scoring rules, however, include also the sharpness and the uncertainty term. Thus models can trade off calibration for sharpness and therefore scoring rules are not suitable for specifically evaluating calibration of predictive models.

The score divergence to the logarithmic and the Brier score are the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence

\[d\big(P_X, \mathrm{law}(Y \,|\, P_X)\big) = \sum_{y} \mathbb{P}(Y = y \,|\, P_X) \log\big(\mathbb{P}(Y = y \,|\, P_X) / P_X(\{y\})\big)\]

and the squared Euclidean distance

\[d\big(P_X, \mathrm{law}(Y \,|\, P_X)\big) = \sum_{y} \big(P_X - \mathrm{law}(Y \,|\, P_X)\big)^2(\{y\}),\]

respectively. The KL divergence is defined only if $\mathrm{law}(Y \,|\, P_X)$ is absolutely continuous with respect to $P_X$, i.e., if $P_X(\{y\}) = 0$ implies $\mathbb{P}(Y = y \,|\, P_X) = 0$.

We estimate the ECE by binning the probability simplex of predictions $P_X$ and computing the weighted average of the distances between the mean prediction and the distribution of targets in each bin.

One approach is to use bins of uniform size.

ece = ECE(UniformBinning(10), (μ, y) -> kl_divergence(y, μ));

We have to work with a numerical encoding of the true penguin species and a corresponding vector of predictions. We use RowVecs to indicate that the rows in the matrix of probabilities returned by pdf are the predictions. If we would provide predictions as columns of a matrix, we would have to use ColVecs.

val_yint = map(MLJ.levelcode, val_y)
val_probs = RowVecs(pdf(val_predict, MLJ.classes(y)));

We compute the estimate on the validation data:

ece(val_probs, val_yint)

For the squared Euclidean distance we obtain:

ece = ECE(UniformBinning(10), SqEuclidean())
ece(val_probs, val_yint)

Alternatively, one can use a data-dependent binning scheme that tries to split the predictions in a way that minimizes the variance in each bin.

With the KL divergence we get:

ece = ECE(MedianVarianceBinning(5), (μ, y) -> kl_divergence(y, μ))
ece(val_probs, val_yint)

For the squared Euclidean distance we obtain:

ece = ECE(MedianVarianceBinning(5), SqEuclidean())
ece(val_probs, val_yint)

We see that the estimates (of the same theoretical quantity!) are highly dependent on the chosen binning scheme.

Kernel calibration error

As an alternative to the ECE, we estimate the kernel calibration error (KCE). We keep it simple here, and use the tensor product kernel

\[k\big((\mu, y), (\mu', y')\big) = \delta_{y,y'} \exp{\bigg(-\frac{{\|\mu - \mu'\|}_2^2}{2\nu^2} \bigg)}\]

with length scale $\nu > 0$ for predictions $\mu,\mu'$ and corresponding targets $y, y'$. For simplicity, we estimate length scale $\nu$ with the median heuristic.

distances = pairwise(SqEuclidean(), RowVecs(pdf(train_predict, MLJ.classes(y))))
ν = sqrt(median(distances[i] for i in CartesianIndices(distances) if i[1] < i[2]))
kernel = with_lengthscale(GaussianKernel(), ν) ⊗ WhiteKernel();

We obtain the following biased estimate of the squared KCE (SKCE):

skce = SKCE(kernel; unbiased=false)
skce(val_probs, val_yint)

Similar to the biased estimates of the ECE, the biased estimates of the SKCE are always non-negative. The unbiased estimates can be negative as well, in particular if the model is (close to being) calibrated:

skce = SKCE(kernel)
skce(val_probs, val_yint)

When the datasets are large, the quadratic sample complexity of the standard biased and unbiased estimators of the SKCE can become prohibitive. In these cases, one can resort to an estimator that averages estimates of non-overlapping blocks of samples. This estimator allows to trade off computational cost for increased variance.

Here we consider the extreme case of blocks with two samples, which yields an estimator with linear sample complexity:

skce = SKCE(kernel; blocksize=2)
skce(val_probs, val_yint)

Package and system information

Package version

Status `~/work/CalibrationErrors.jl/CalibrationErrors.jl/examples/classification/Project.toml`
  [cbdf2221] AlgebraOfGraphics v0.6.18
  [13f3f980] CairoMakie v0.11.7
  [33913031] CalibrationErrors v0.6.4 ``
  [a93c6f00] DataFrames v1.6.1
  [31c24e10] Distributions v0.25.107
  [add582a8] MLJ v0.20.2
  [33e4bacb] MLJNaiveBayesInterface v0.1.6
  [8b842266] PalmerPenguins v0.1.4

Computer information

Julia Version 1.10.0
Commit 3120989f39b (2023-12-25 18:01 UTC)
Build Info:
  Official release
Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
  CPU: 4 × AMD EPYC 7763 64-Core Processor
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-15.0.7 (ORCJIT, znver3)
  Threads: 1 on 4 virtual cores
  JULIA_DEBUG = Documenter
  JULIA_LOAD_PATH = :/home/runner/work/CalibrationErrors.jl/CalibrationErrors.jl/docs


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